Child Beginners, 4-Day Course, Harps Provided
TUTOR: Toni Russell
LEVEL: Beginner (see brochure p23 for explanation)
T01 - Toni Russell
Child Beginners
4 DAY COURSE: Sat / Sun / Mon / Tue 9.00am-10amTUTOR: Toni Russell
LEVEL: Beginner (see brochure p23 for explanation)
Learn to play the Clarsach in a fun and relaxed way. The course will teach basic technique at the same time as learning tunes you will recognise, working around the coloured strings. You will also learn patterns that your muscle memory will help you to remember through different musical games. No musical knowledge is required for this course.
Harps provided.
Please notify the office if you require assistance with access.
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