T14 - Gillian Fleetwood

4 DAY COURSE Sat/Sun/Mon/Tues 13.00-14.30 - ON ZOOM
TUTOR: Gillian Fleetwood
LEVEL: Intermediate
TEACHING METHOD: E+M - Teaching by ear initially with written music given out during the session.
THIS COURSE IS ON ZOOM. Your zoom code and music will be sent out on Friday 11th April 2025.
A mid-paced course celebrating the richness of the Scottish tradition, delving into the geography and peculiarities of various corners of Scotland, both ancient and modern. There is much fun to be had in learning the connections within Scotland, its history, language and the music that these elements have combined to create. Understanding these elements will help your playing to sparkle and shine like sunshine on a loch in summertime.
For tutor bio click HERE.
12 April 2025
90 minutes
George Watson's College Courses
GWC Classroom Space